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Cub Scout Pack 126
(Bellwood, Illinois)
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Cubmaster’s Minute: Responsibility


How can we expect boys to be responsible if we, as parents and leaders, don’t give them the opportunity? It’s only fair that if we want them to be responsible, we must teach them how.

And if you boys want and are to be given opportunities to prove that you can be responsible, it is necessary that you show that you have the skills needed and can be entrusted with the responsibility of being home alone.

Core Value Highlighted This Month: Responsibility

Responsibility means fulfilling our duty to God, country, other people, and ourselves.  Being responsible is being dependable and doing what you say you will do. 

Why"Dollars and Sense" for Responsibility?

We learn to be responsible for certain jobs, our own belonging, thing in our home,and the property of others.  We should all learn how to be responsible with our money as well.  Not only is it wise to learn how money works,it is equally important to learn about the responsibilities that go along with having money.  It all comes down to dollars and sense.

Scout Law equivalents to Responsibility are:

Trustworthy  -  A Scout tells the truth.  He is honest, and he keeps his promises.  People can depend on him.

and Helpful - A Scout cares about other people.  He willingly volunteers to help without expecting payment or reward.