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Cub Scout Pack 34
(Lexington, Kentucky)
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The very first rank every Cubscout must achieve is the Bobcat. This rank sets the boy up to learn the basics of the Cubscouting program. They learn the Cubscout sign, handshake, salute, motto, promise, law of the pack, what Webelos means, and about Akela. Upon achieving this rank they may then works towards achieving the age appropriated rank they are starting at.


Tiger Cub rank is for boys ages 6-7 or in 1st grade. This particular rank has the most parental involvement at den meetings of the Cub Scout ranks. In Tiger rank a parent/guardian (whom is the boy's direct Akela) must be present at the den meetings. This Akela will assist the boy in all activities and work he is doing to earn his Tiger Cub Badge, both at the den meetings, at home working on his achievements, and at pack meetings.



Wolf rank is for boys age 7-8 and in the 2nd grade. In order to receive their Wolf badge a boy must complete all 12 acheivements for this ranking. After receiving his Wolf badge a boy may work on any of the 22 Wolf electives.



Bear rank is for boys ages 8-9 or in 3rd grade. To receive his Bear badge a boy must choose 12 out of 24 achievements and completing 4 from each category- God, Country, Family, and Self. After receiving his Bear badge a boy may work on any of the 24 Bear electives until he becomes a Webelos scout.

Webelos I


Webelos I rank is for boys ages 9-10 or in the 4th grade. 

Webelos Meaning:
We'll Be Loyal Scouts

Webelos Goal:
Prepare a Cub Scout to be a Boy Scout

The Webelos program is a two year program for 4th-5th grade boys. In both years, they work toward earning Webelos Activity Badges in twenty different areas, arranged in five groups. Fourth Grade Boys work toward the Webelos Badge.

Webelos II / Arrow of Light


Webelos II rank is for boys ages 10-11 or in the 5th grade. 

The highest award in Cub Scouts is earned by Webelos that have been active participants in their den and are ready to join a Boy Scout troop. Many of the requirements for the Arrow of Light are intended to familiarize the scout with a local troop and hopefully show him that crossing over into a troop is the next step to take in scouting. A scout who earns his Arrow of Light patch has also completed nearly all the requirements to earn the Scout badge in the troop, so he has already begun his Boy Scout trail.

Webelos Super Achiever!  Click to enlarge

Did you earn all of the Webelos Activity Pins?

If you did, you're a Webelos Super Achiever! To earn this award, a Webelos must earn all 20 activity pins while a 1st and 2nd year Webelos Scout.

This can not be earned after cross-over to Boy Scouts, which is generally the Arrow of Light Ceremony.