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Boy Scout Troop 222
(Dunedin, Florida)
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The Eagles Nest


As an Eagle Scout,
may you spread
your wings and soar
to the highest heights;
leading and setting a
cheerful example of
honour, courage,
loyalty and service. 


Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program. 
The fact that a boy is an Eagle Scout has always carried with it a special significance, not only in Scouting but also as he enters higher education,
 business or industry, and community service.  Not every boy who joins a
 Boy  Scout troop earns the Eagle Scout rank; only about 5 percent of all
Boy Scouts do so. This represents more than 1.7 million Boy Scouts who
have earned the rank since 1912. 

Only 2 out of 100 boys that join Scouts will earn the rank of Eagle Scout. 
The title of Eagle Scout is held for life, thus giving rise to the phrase
"Once an Eagle, always an Eagle".

Troop 222 Eagle Scouts:

Michael Sparks -August 13,2007
Barry Niemann Jr. - July 12, 2010
Zachary J. Ferguson - January 10, 2011
Louis J. Mihalinec Jr. - October 10, 2011

Troop 222 Adults Who Are Eagle Scouts:

Mr. Christoper Eliadis - December, 2005 

Mr. Matthew Laverdure - October, 1995 

Famous Eagle Scouts:

Neil Armstrong - Apollo 11 Astronaut and first man to walk on the moon

Gerald Ford - US President and first Eagle Scout to become President

James Stewart - Academy Award winning Actor

Ross Perot - Texas billionaire and Presidental Candidate

Willard Marriott - President of Marriott Hotels

James Lovell - Gemini and Apollo 13 Astronaut

Walter Cronkite - National New and TV announcer

Henry Aaron - Baseball player, home run king

William Devries - M.D., transplanted first artificial heart

Donald Rumsfeld - Secretary of Defense

Steven Spielberg - Movie producer

Sam Walton - Founder, Wal-Mart

L. Ron Hubbard, Writer

William C. Westmoreland, Retired General