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Cub Scout Pack 4
(Oxford, Michigan)
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According to a Time Magazine Poll Conducted about 10 Years ago...

For every 100 boys who joined Scouting.

One will save his own life with the information he gained in Scouts.

One will save someone else's life with the information he gained in Scouts.

Two will join the medical Profession.

Ten will have the First contact with an organized religion through Scouting Activities.

Two will join the ministry or become key persons in their church or synagogue.
Two will join Law Enforcement.

Ten will find a lifelong hobby or a career through the merit badge program. 

Three will gain the rank of Eagle Scout.

Sixteen will return as adult volunteers in Scouting.

In addition to that.....

Every man to have walked on the moon was an Eagle Scout.

75% of US Rhodes Scholars were Scouts.

75% of all FBI agents were Scouts.

80% of the graduates from all US. Military Academies were Scouts.

There are over 30 Eagle Scouts in the US Congress.

Impressive numbers you say? More impressive if you multiply this set of 100 Scouts by the factor of 140 you have the 14,000 Scouts in the W.D Boyce Council.

Take these number into consideration. There are currently 2.7 million youth member is the Boy Scouts of America and over 1 million adult volunteers making the BSA one of the largest organizations on the United States.
Now with the information above and the millions of boys involved, give me one reason why it would not be advantageous for your child go Join the Boy Scouts of America.