Pack 366's
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Pack 366 FAQ
Scouting Costs
Den Meetings
Pack Camping
General Leadership

Cub Scout Pack 366
(Land O Lakes, Florida)
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I want to help, what can I do?

Some specific things you can do to help your son in Cub Scouting are:

1.      Work with your son on projects

2.      Help your Cub Scout along the advancement trail

3.      Participate in monthly pack meetings

4.      Attend parent-leader conferences

5.      Go on family campouts with your son

6.      Provide support for your son's den and pack

It's important to remember that the adult leaders of your son's den and pack are volunteers who give their own time to provide a quality program for your son.

While they have been carefully selected and extensively trained for their roles, there are always times when they could use help from parents in the pack.

Pack events such as the pinewood derby, Blue and Gold banquet, or field days take a lot of effort—more than the monthly meetings.

The pack's leaders would likely welcome any help you can give.

Likewise, den leaders will be grateful to parents who can lend a hand with field trips and outings.
By pitching in as needed, you can show your son the importance of helping others. So be on the lookout for opportunities for you to help the den, the pack, and its leaders.

Who do I talk to about helping?

Your son’s Den Leader will get you headed in the right direction.

You can also contact the Committee Chair about possible committee openings. Parental involvement is always welcomed and encouraged. Pack 366 is a community of families that promotes new ideas and leadership within our parents as well as our scouts.