Pack 9's
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Cub Scout Pack 9
(Fort Worth, Texas)
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The Cub Scout Program

Boys become eligible to join a Cub Scout pack upon completion of kindergarten. They progress through three ranks during their first three years - Tiger, Wolf, and, Bear. Each rank is earned by completing a series of age appropriate achievements that are fun and result in positive academic, athletic, and character development.

The Tiger Year

Cub Scouts begin their journey as Tiger Cubs during the 1st grade. These scouts do everything with their adult partner(s). Highlights of the Tiger year include five Go-See-Its where they explore new places and learn about the world around them. Last year we visited a fire station, the National Weather Service, and more. Pack 9 Tiger Cubs also learned how to be good stewards of the environment by earning the Leave No Trace Awareness Award.

The Wolf Year

Boys in the 2nd grade are Wolf Cubs. Wolves complete a series of achievements emphasizing basic life skills. These achievements are completed at home and during den meetings. Wolf Cubs also have the opportunity to earn arrow point badges by completing electives.

The Bear Year

Third graders are Bear Cubs. Bears complete a series of achievements that promote a deeper understanding of God, Country, Family, and Self. Bears can earn arrow point badges after completing all of their rank requirements.


The boys transition from family-led events to boy-led events during the 4th and 5th grade years. The goal of the Webelo years is to give the boys a taste of what it is like to be a Boy Scout. Webelos are responsible for earning a series of pins with minimal help from their families. Leadership is emphasized as Webelos are introduced to the same patrol methods utilized by Boy Scouts. They are now the oldest boys in the pack and they learn to be good role models as they help the younger boys. Webelos also spend more time on outdoor adventures.