Pack 101's
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Cub Scout Pack 101
(Naperville, Illinois)
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How can I join Pack 101?
We have a “Spring Round-Up” at Community Christian Church for all interested boys and their parents. Information about the meeting is usually sent out ia E-News and may also go out via the May Watts PTA At-A-Glance eNews message. We also have a table at the May Watts PTA Ice Cream Social held at the beginning of the school year and at the May Watts Fun Fair held in the spring.

At the Round-Up, we will have a presentation that will talk more in depth about activities that you can expect to participate in, and also meet the Pack Leaders. You will be able to sign up for Scouts at the meeting as well as sign up for a variety of volunteer positions if they are available. Our pack runs on volunteers, and we do ask for parents to volunteer for one activity through the year.

You can contact Cindy Brennan, Pack Membership Chair,, with questions and for more information.

What does it cost to join?
The annual fee for Pack 101 is $50 per year, payable when you register. Some dens also collect dues each month to cover the cost of den activities, patches and segments. To keep costs down, Pack 101 participates in an annual Popcorn sale that runs from September through October. Out of these funds, the Pack pays for:
  •     registration fees and insurance for Scouts and adult leaders
  •     subscription to Boy’s Life magazine for each Scout
  •     subscription to Scouting magazine for each registered adult leader
  •     neckerchief, slide and books for each Scout Rank
  •     Quality or Honor Unit patches
  •     advancement patches, pins and other awards for Scouts
  •     adult volunteer recognition awards

What is a Pack?
A pack is a group of Cub Scouts, adult leaders and parents who belong to the same Cub Scout unit (Pack 101 of the Indian Prairie District, Three Fires Council). A pack generally draws its membership primarily from an elementary school or church that is associated with the pack’s Chartered Organization. Each pack is made up of Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos dens.

What is a Chartered Organization?
A Chartered Organization is the sponsoring organization for a Cub Scout Pack, usually a church, PTA or other community group. The primary responsibilities for the Chartered Organization are to select the leadership of the pack and to provide a meeting place. Each year, the pack must renew its Charter with its local council. The Chartered Organization must approve the rechartering application in order for the charter to be renewed.

What is a Den?
A den is a small group of boys (ideally 6-8) of the same grade level. Each den meets on a regular basis to work on achievements and other activities. The den is led by an adult Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader(s), who are responsible for planning and conducting each den meeting. These positions are held by parents of the boys in that den.

What are Pack Meetings Like?
Each Pack Meeting is planned by the Cubmaster/Committee to have a basic theme/activity. Most pack meetings include songs, skits, games, advancements, adult recognition, Cubmaster message and other activities. All Cub Scouts are welcome, and parents usually attend with them. Other family members are welcome to attend as well...maybe a Gradnparent ran a den/pack years ago and would like to attend! Siblings are welcome as well, but we do not provide babysitting.

When are Pack Meetings held?
Pack meetings are held monthly, usually on the first Friday of the month (exceptions are October, February, April and May) at Community Christian Church at 7:00 p.m. The Pack Activities are generally planned in advance so people are able to plan accordingly.

Who Runs the Pack?
The Pack is run entirely by parent volunteers of Scouts who are in the Pack. There are a variety of ways that you can become involved.
Pack Committee: Consists of the Committee Chairman, Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Treasurer. Other Committee members are Pack Trainer, Awards Chair, Membership Chair. The Committee develops budgets, approves expenses, arranges for facilities and conducts overall planning.

The Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders: These are the people most directly involved with the Cub Scouts. Dens meet on a regular basis, and a Den Leader Meeting is held monthly in conjunction with the Committee Meeting.

An adult member of each Cub Scout household (not including Tiger Cubs) is expected to participate in a volunteer position. There are many ways to do this, including the positions listed above, as well as volunteering for organizing or help run one of our Monthly Pack Outings or other Pack Activities. There is a description of each position responsibility and a list that is handed out at sign-up. You can take on a position with a lot of involvement, or just a little. Our main request is that you get involved :).

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