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Cub Scout Pack 1438
(Gaithersburg, Maryland)
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Pinewood Derby

The Cub Scout should have fun racing a car he has built from materials in the Pinewood Derby Kit provided by his Pack, which is the traditional uncut block version. “Precut” kit cars will NOT be allowed in any category. Adults should work with the Scout and make the car as a project together, allowing the Scout to lead with his own creative ability. Adults should always supervise the use of any power tools (drills, saws, sanders, etc.) but let the Scout get as much fun and experience out of building the car as possible.


Pack Winners for Race and Show, or their alternates, are eligible to compete. (An alternate may be selected by the Pack in advance if the Pack Winner cannot personally attend the District competition.) One Scout for “Speed”, and one for “Show”, from each rank will compete. The ranks are: Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos I, and Webelos II. That means there could be up to 10 Scouts from each pack representing the 5 winners of Show and another set of 5 different Scouts as winners of Speed for each rank per Pack. A Scout may only compete in one category (Show or Race) and in only one age bracket.


If a Scout competes in his Pack’s competition at a particular rank, he must compete at District in the same rank even if he has since advanced in rank.


Cars can be prepared for the following categories:

¨      Speed:  Separate races will be run for Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos 1 and Webelos 2. Please note the criteria governing width, length, and weight for the speed races.


¨      Show:  All cars will be judged for excellence according to the Scout’s age and rank in design and craftsmanship. Cars competing for the Show category will not be allowed to race in the Speed category, and vice versa.  In other words, awards will not be presented to the same car in both categories. Cars competing for Show do not have to meet the registration dimensions and weight criteria for Speed.

 Other categories may be created......



Each car must pass inspection before it is registered and allowed to compete.  All rulings made by the Pinewood Derby Officials are final.  Cars must be newly built from scratch this Scout year by the Scout entering the competition using the Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit (No Pre-cut kits allowed). Any questions regarding rules or implementation should be presented to the District Pinewood Derby Chair (referred to as the Chair in the rest of these rules.)



¨      Width:             The car cannot be more than 2 ¾” wide.

¨      Length:            The car cannot be more than 7” long.

¨      Weight:           The car cannot exceed 5.0 ounces.

¨      Height:            The car must fit underneath the electronic timing device.


The acceptable width and length of the car will be determined by use of a measuring box provided by Packs within the district and approved by the District Pinewood Derby Committee. The car must clear the inside dimensions of the box at the time of district race.  It cannot become struck or forced through the opening of the box.  If the car does not meet the required dimensions, the Scout can work on the car at the Pit Area until registration closing time for his rank.


The official weight will be determined by the use of scales provided by and for the District, and approved by the District Pinewood Derby Committee.  The weight shown on this scale is final.  At the time of final weigh-in, all car parts and materials must be firmly attached to the car. If the car is over or under the weight limit, weight can be removed or added by the Scout at the Pit Area until registration closing time for his rank.


The maximum height requirement will be determined once a Pack has volunteered their track for the event. This measurement will be distributed to all Packs through the District Contact list for Cubmasters and Committee Chairs. If the car exceeds the maximum height, the Scout can work on the car at the Pit Area until registration closing time for his rank.



The precut slots in the wood block provided will be used for the placement of the wheels.  Only if these precuts are not straight may they be filled and re-cut.  However, the positioning of these slots may not change more than 1/8” and the original distance between the front and rear axles must not change.  If a wheelbase is questioned, the District Pinewood Derby officials will use a comparison wood block from an Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit to make a final determination as to whether the wheelbase is acceptable. Non-conforming cars will be disqualified.



The car must be 1 ¾” wide at the point where the axle enters the body. This is to ensure that the wheels will straddle the lane guide on the racetrack. (Note: This is the original width of the car body.)


The car must clear the lane guide on the racetrack.  Experience indicates that the clearance required to clear the lane guide is 3/16”; however, it is recommended that clearance be 3/8” as stated in the Rules and Specifications guide contained in each Pinewood Derby Kit.  If the car does not clear the lane guide it will not be able to finish a run on the track, making it non-competitive.


Only Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit wheels and axles will be used.  Axles may be sanded or polished. Wheels may be lightly sanded to remove the molding seam on the tread. Wheel tread (the flat surface of the wheel) may not be rounded or otherwise shaped (convex or concave sanding/shaping). Wheels may not be narrowed.  No other wheel or axle changes are allowed.  The use of bearing, bushings, and/or washers is prohibited.



The car may not ride on any type of spring or suspension.  The car must be freewheeling with no starting devices to push or enhance its travel down the track.


The car must retain a blunt surface at the center of the front “bumper” (recommend ¼” wide minimum) to contact the track starting peg.  Cars that are shaped to a sharp point tend to slip off the peg which causes an unreliable and possibly unfair starting condition. 


The front also shall not be shaped in a concave condition which allows any part of the vehicle to extend forward of the starting peg contact point.


Cars that do not sit properly on the starting peg will be tried in the backward position by the race officials to attempt to correct the problem.  If neither position works acceptably, the car will have to be modified by its owner or else its race times will be disallowed.



Details such as steering wheels, drivers, decals, painting, etc. are all acceptable.  The finished car with all details must meet all previously mentioned registration requirements.



The only lubricants allowed are dry powdered graphite or the Teflon-based lubricant found at the Scout Shop.  Do not use other lubricants such as oils or silicone sprays.  These can cause the wheels on the car to deteriorate, collect dust, and can cause damage to or alter the track.  NO hubcaps or coverings of any kind will be placed on the wheels to hold additional lubricant.

NOTE:  Although there will be a Pit Area for final adjustments to cars – parts, e.g., weights, etc. are not provided by the District.  Bring additional tools and materials to make any final adjustments!




Each car must be registered to compete. All rulings made by the Pinewood Derby Officials are final.  Any questions regarding rules or implementation should be presented to the Chair.



Cars being prepared solely for the Show Category competition are exempt from some rules cited in the SPEED CATEGORY RULES section above. Design category entries must use the Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit, which has the uncut block (NO PRECUT KITS) as the basis for their entry. The Scout should be as creative as he wishes. There are no height, weight, width or other restrictive requirements for preparation of Show Category entries, other than it should be the Scout’s own work as appropriate for his age and rank.



The Masters races are for non-Cub Scout participants to race their cars (Moms, Dads, siblings, etc.). The Masters may compete for either Speed or Show honors upon completion of the Scout Races at each rank. These cars will be subject to all of the aforementioned rules and regulations including that the car must have been made this year from an Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit by the entrant. A Masters’ car can be entered for only one rank and for either Speed or Show. Advance registration is required for all Masters participants prior to race day using the Patriot District Pinewood Derby web page. (See the link at )



GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP AND BEHAVIOR IS EXPECTED.  Cars will be disqualified if the Scout or his parent(s) display unsportsmanlike conduct at the races.  Pinewood Derby activity representatives may ask anyone not following this rule to leave the activity.


Each car will race multiple times. The cars will race in all of the lanes of the track to eliminate any lane advantage or in accordance with the race software.  The car with the lowest average score or as determined by the race software will be declared the winner.  In case of a tie, one additional race will be run with only the affected cars racing.


If any car jumps off the track or interferes with another car, the race will be run again. If the same car again jumps the track or interferes, that car will come in last for that race.


If a car is damaged during any race, the Scout is allowed to repair only the damage incurred during that race. An activity representative will assist the Scout in the repair session. No other modifications or adjustments to the car are allowed. The car must be repaired prior to being called for its next race or race in its damaged condition.


Only activity representatives are allowed inside the track area.


Any damage caused to any car by other than the Scout or during a race (e.g., dropped by an activity representative during movement or dropped by the starter) may be repaired by the Scout with the assistance of an activity representative.  Only the damage incurred may be repaired. As much time as necessary will be allowed for this repair, subject to the judgment of the Chair. 



Each car must be brought to the Inspection and Registration area accompanied by the Registration Form. On the Registration Form, the Scouts’ representative (parent, guardian or Pack Adult) or the Masters entrant must confirm that the car was made this Scout year (after June 1, 2009) by the entrant starting from an Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit with the block of wood provided in the Kit. For cars entering in the Race Category, the representative must also confirm that the car uses only wheels and axles from an Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit and has not been lubricated with anything other than dry powdered graphite or a Teflon-based lubricant. If the car does not meet these requirements, the Scout will be allowed to participate but will not be eligible for an award.   


The car will then be inspected for compliance with the other Car Rules. If the car fails inspection, the Scout will be told the reasons why and will be sent to the Pit Area to work on his car. If the Scout is not present, no adjustments can be made to the car and the car will be disqualified. Changes as necessary may be made to bring the car into conformity with the established rules. Once a car has been accepted through the registration process, its qualification may not be questioned.


All adjustments and lubrication must be complete prior to the final inspection. After final inspection acceptance, each car will be registered for the race. The Scout can no longer adjust or modify the car (this includes additional lubrication). Upon registration, the Scout will be recognized with a patch for participating in the District Pinewood Derby and directed to the race observation area.


Activity representatives will move all cars to the track staging area. The Scouts are not permitted to handle their cars until the race is complete except for repairs if the car has been damaged.


Scouts will be advised as to which lane their car will race in for the first run.  The Starter will ensure that cars are properly placed on the track prior to starting the race.  No race will begin if it is apparent to the Starter that the race will not be fair due to placement of the car on the track, or that there is obvious damage.


After each race, only activity representatives will return the cars to the track staging area. An electronic finish line device will determine the winner and/or times of each race.  The race will be run again if there is a failure of the timing device.


Immediately following the speed races, the Masters’ speed race will be held for any registered cars. An awards ceremony will be held at the completion of race and show judging for each rank to announce the District Champion, Second Place and Third Place for that rank.





The registration and competition times are provided below:


Rank                Registration Period                 Race/Show Competition





Webelos 1                        

Webelos 2                  


2:30 – 3:00 p.m. is clean-up time.  Please stay to help.


The entrant must be in the registration line at the time the Registration Period closes in order to be accepted for inspection and registration.


Changes to the race day schedule due to inclement weather or other factors will be communicated to the Pack Contact submitted on the pre-registration e-mail and also provided to WTOP (103.5FM and ) for announcement and publication.




The results of Pack Pinewood Derby competitions should be forwarded as soon as possible after the race to the Pinewood Derby Committee using the Patriot District Pinewood Derby web page. (See the link at ) However, race results should be submitted no later than Saturday, February 26, 2011 to provide the Committee with sufficient preparation time. Substitutions to the submitted list for Pack entries MAY NOT be made on the day of the District Pinewood Derby.


Please provide the following information in pre-registration using the web page.


Pack Number:

Pack Contact:

Contact Phone Number

Contact E-mail:



Pack Race Entries:




Webelos 1:

Webelos 2:


Pack Show Entries:




Webelos 1:

Webelos 2:


If you recruit volunteers to help on race day or on the Pinewood Derby Committee, please send the information to


Adult Race Day Volunteer/s Name:

Adult Volunteer/s Phone:

Adult Volunteer/s e-mail:


Registration Fees are $  per entry and pre-payment is requested to minimize race day issues. Payment discrepancies will be addressed with the Pack after the event.


It is STRONGLY recommended that all registration fees for all competitors from a given pack be PAID by a SINGLE CHECK PAYABLE TO “BSA-NCAC”.  Note Pack Number in memo line.

Pack Checks may be brought to District Roundtable on Thurs, February 10, 2011 or through other arrangements with the Chair.